Saturday, October 24, 2009

Autumn Follows The Sun

The video below is from Autumns last night in the hospital.
Jason and Natalie have begun the journey of minimal sleep.
The video basically shows the routine that they have to go through every two hours
(I spared you the prep and ritual cleaning and sterilizing of the feeding equipment).
Thankfully Autumn, Natalie and Jason arrived home last night and got at least a smige of decent rest thanks to Grandma.

P.S. for those of you that are as uneducated as myself in the ways of babies
Autumn was under the "Billy-lamps" (toned down, baby tanning bed)
to help with her Jaundice. I haven't really heard anyone give a good explanation of what Jaundice really is. Something about high or low levels of Billy-Rubin (sp?) and the liver have trouble making it or processing it or something, anyways sun helps.

This is for you iphone-ers (Mom) so you can watch it on the go.
Its the same as the video above

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Autumn Rain Moog

In keeping with the Moog tradition of dramatic unveilings
this little one has entered the world in such a fashion.
It has been a very incremental reveal
(a baby is coming...months's a girl...days pass...and her name is Autumn Rain)
but nothing could have been more worth the wait,
nothing could have exceeded expectation or surpassed anticipation
like little Autumn has.
Okay I will refrain from any more rookie uncle gushing.
Here are some moments from tonight.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


On Monday October 19th at 4:47pm my beautiful niece was born.
A healthy baby girl (name TBA).
She was 6 pounds 11 ounces, 19.75 inches.
She's a petite little thing but she has got a set of lungs. I'm told from the second she came out she was wailing like a siren.
Here are some more pics from the hospital last night with the fam.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

New Titles

So begins the life of Uncle Ben.
Some people might think that I'm overreacting to the role and responsibility of being an uncle but uncledom is a pretty big deal, especially when your almost 30 and not married. So to inaugurate this momentous occasion I have christen this blog. This will also be a wonderful way to keep all you wonderful family out there tapped into the life of this little one.

As for my niece or nephew they began trying to coax herm (this is my grammatical bi-gender invention combining the terms him and her so as to alleviate the need for "him/her" usage and in no way implies what you might be thinking) out with chemicals at 3:45am this morning. The forecast is that this new baby will be with us in person in 24 to 72 hours! It's hard to believe that it is almost here.

Here's a picture of the baby-mama as she prepares to do battle.

Baby and Mama are happy and strong.
More to follow soon...